Sunday, January 30, 2011

new beginnings

Ok so it's a been a while since i'm written. I don't think i have made an entry since last year-naughty me ! Anyway, hubby is joining the army, after months of unemployment and much frustration, he decided to join the army and as wife i will support him of course. I will miss him and don't know how i will cope, but we're doing this together. So i will find away to manage.I worry for the kids and how i will explain to them that daddy is away for awhile. Especially since they get upset when he just walks out to the car, let alone when he goes away for months on end. He has passed the initial aptitude test and medical etc, just the fitness test to go. Hopefully it all goes well. we're still waiting to hear when his enlistment date will be, the fitness test is 4 weeks before he goes.It will certainly be a new chapter in our lives.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

it's that time of the year...

So christmas is not that far away. I have to say since having kids i enjoy christmas so much more. I love to see the look on the kids faces as they open their presents. To me that is the best present. Last year Phoebe was only 4 mths old, this year she will be 16mths old..old enough to get excited. The kids have changed so much since last xmas. Phoebe is not a baby anymore and ollie is such a little boy these days.

We have the xmas tree up already and lights in the loungeroom window. I can't wait to see the kids play with pressies. we thought long and hard as to what should get them. I only hope that they love them.

Monday, November 15, 2010

No ordinary chore.

So it's time for another post and i have no idea what to write about.I think cooking is appropriate considering junior masterchef just finished up. All I can say is WOW the skill those kids have are incredible. It makes me look forward to one day cooking with my kids.

I love to cook and I cook with love. It is my therapy, when i am stressed it makes things better. I think it is the sense of accomplisment. I start with ingredients and end up with a meal. At the moment it has been pavlova, recently for dinner parties i leave the fruit off so people can choose their own. It is easier that way as we all have different tastes. The recipe is a Julie Goodwin recipe and it never fails me. Julie Goodwin is my inspiration, an ordinary mum cooking dinner for her family.I love her recipes they simple, down to earth recipes. it is rather late and i had better get some sleep.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

rowdy toddlers

hello all,
well it seems i no longer have a baby anymore. Phoebe has morphed into a toddler and is quickly becoming the queen of temper tamtrums.What happened to the placid baby i used to have ? Ollie continues to be a typical two year old. At the moment it is so difficult to get him to eat at the best of times and he has developed selective hearing.

Phoebe is continuing to sprout teeth at an alarming rate. I think last count she cut 7 teeth in one fortnight. She is not teething in usual order, she seems to cuts from right to left. Phoebe's latest word is nighs-nighs, and is just too cute to describe. Phoebe make up for her brother not eating. probably cos she is growing quickly and ollies growth has slowed down.

I must be off, i have 2 rowdy toddlers to tend to.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

time is flying

It's been a while since I've written. I can't believe phoebe is 1 already. She turned 1 a few weeks ago. Eager to keep up with her big brother she started walking 2 days before her first birthday and hasn't stoppped since. No longer the little baby that was the most beautiful birthday present i ever got. She is my big girl now. Oliver's vocab is increaing by the day. Nearly everyday i see a change in my kids, a new word or learning to wave or clap. Each day i am thankful for my kids, even when i'm exhausted i only have to go check on the kids to be reminded how beautiful they are and how much i love them.

Sometimes I wonder what the future will bring. I hope my kids are happy, healthy and successful in whatever they choose to do. Will Ollie be fireman ? a fighter jet pilot ? a police officer ? Will phoebe be a teacher ? a neurosurgeon ? or the scientist that finds the cure for cancer ? who knows ? For now i am content enjoying my kids as they are and as they grow...because time is flying. One day i am going to look at their baby albums and wish they were little for now i am going to give them extra cuddles and kisses while i can.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cake decorating

Good evening all !
I can't believe it has been nearly a month since i have written. Life is hectic, life is good, mostly.Recently Oliver turned two, how quickly they grow ! he's such a big boy now all grown up. Unfortunately we have all been struck with a nasty case of gastro. This hit phoebe they worst. The cold weather hascome upon us, i'm not crazy about the cold weather, but i love the winter food of soups etc.

Anway for Oliver's 2nd birthday i dabbled in cake decorating. and created a a marsmallow fondant cupcake dream, i am very proud of our efforts (my hubby helped me). Basicallly you melt marsmallows inthe microwave with a bit of water then stir the marsmallow. Gradually sift in icing sugar til it forms a's very similar to playing with play dough. I brushed the cupcakes with warmed apricot jam and then cover them with the fondant. Phoebe turns 1 in about 6 weeks, i cannot wait to create something for her birthday!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


i love to create things, at the moment it is hairclips for my daughter. she has hair but not a lot. That's ok one day when she is older can wear them. I love to scrapbook, preserving a favourite memory. I love to cook creating a meal for my family to eat. I recently bought Julie Goodwin's cook book My family table. I have tried the slow rosted pork belly. OMG it was delicious! I can't want to cook and eat it again ! I also tried the celebration pavlova, it turned our perfectly !

Indeed creating things is very therapeutic for me. Not only does it give a sense of achievement but it is my down time when the kids are asleep.
Currently Ollie is cutting his year old molars and Phoebe is crawling and trying to stand up. She is also chasing the cats...poor kitties !