Monday, November 15, 2010

No ordinary chore.

So it's time for another post and i have no idea what to write about.I think cooking is appropriate considering junior masterchef just finished up. All I can say is WOW the skill those kids have are incredible. It makes me look forward to one day cooking with my kids.

I love to cook and I cook with love. It is my therapy, when i am stressed it makes things better. I think it is the sense of accomplisment. I start with ingredients and end up with a meal. At the moment it has been pavlova, recently for dinner parties i leave the fruit off so people can choose their own. It is easier that way as we all have different tastes. The recipe is a Julie Goodwin recipe and it never fails me. Julie Goodwin is my inspiration, an ordinary mum cooking dinner for her family.I love her recipes they simple, down to earth recipes. it is rather late and i had better get some sleep.

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