Sunday, October 3, 2010

rowdy toddlers

hello all,
well it seems i no longer have a baby anymore. Phoebe has morphed into a toddler and is quickly becoming the queen of temper tamtrums.What happened to the placid baby i used to have ? Ollie continues to be a typical two year old. At the moment it is so difficult to get him to eat at the best of times and he has developed selective hearing.

Phoebe is continuing to sprout teeth at an alarming rate. I think last count she cut 7 teeth in one fortnight. She is not teething in usual order, she seems to cuts from right to left. Phoebe's latest word is nighs-nighs, and is just too cute to describe. Phoebe make up for her brother not eating. probably cos she is growing quickly and ollies growth has slowed down.

I must be off, i have 2 rowdy toddlers to tend to.

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