Sunday, January 30, 2011

new beginnings

Ok so it's a been a while since i'm written. I don't think i have made an entry since last year-naughty me ! Anyway, hubby is joining the army, after months of unemployment and much frustration, he decided to join the army and as wife i will support him of course. I will miss him and don't know how i will cope, but we're doing this together. So i will find away to manage.I worry for the kids and how i will explain to them that daddy is away for awhile. Especially since they get upset when he just walks out to the car, let alone when he goes away for months on end. He has passed the initial aptitude test and medical etc, just the fitness test to go. Hopefully it all goes well. we're still waiting to hear when his enlistment date will be, the fitness test is 4 weeks before he goes.It will certainly be a new chapter in our lives.

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