Tuesday, August 24, 2010

time is flying

It's been a while since I've written. I can't believe phoebe is 1 already. She turned 1 a few weeks ago. Eager to keep up with her big brother she started walking 2 days before her first birthday and hasn't stoppped since. No longer the little baby that was the most beautiful birthday present i ever got. She is my big girl now. Oliver's vocab is increaing by the day. Nearly everyday i see a change in my kids, a new word or learning to wave or clap. Each day i am thankful for my kids, even when i'm exhausted i only have to go check on the kids to be reminded how beautiful they are and how much i love them.

Sometimes I wonder what the future will bring. I hope my kids are happy, healthy and successful in whatever they choose to do. Will Ollie be fireman ? a fighter jet pilot ? a police officer ? Will phoebe be a teacher ? a neurosurgeon ? or the scientist that finds the cure for cancer ? who knows ? For now i am content enjoying my kids as they are and as they grow...because time is flying. One day i am going to look at their baby albums and wish they were little again...so for now i am going to give them extra cuddles and kisses while i can.