Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cake decorating

Good evening all !
I can't believe it has been nearly a month since i have written. Life is hectic, life is good, mostly.Recently Oliver turned two, how quickly they grow ! he's such a big boy now all grown up. Unfortunately we have all been struck with a nasty case of gastro. This hit phoebe they worst. The cold weather hascome upon us, i'm not crazy about the cold weather, but i love the winter food of soups etc.

Anway for Oliver's 2nd birthday i dabbled in cake decorating. and created a a marsmallow fondant cupcake dream, i am very proud of our efforts (my hubby helped me). Basicallly you melt marsmallows inthe microwave with a bit of water then stir the marsmallow. Gradually sift in icing sugar til it forms a dough.it's very similar to playing with play dough. I brushed the cupcakes with warmed apricot jam and then cover them with the fondant. Phoebe turns 1 in about 6 weeks, i cannot wait to create something for her birthday!