Sunday, May 9, 2010


i love to create things, at the moment it is hairclips for my daughter. she has hair but not a lot. That's ok one day when she is older can wear them. I love to scrapbook, preserving a favourite memory. I love to cook creating a meal for my family to eat. I recently bought Julie Goodwin's cook book My family table. I have tried the slow rosted pork belly. OMG it was delicious! I can't want to cook and eat it again ! I also tried the celebration pavlova, it turned our perfectly !

Indeed creating things is very therapeutic for me. Not only does it give a sense of achievement but it is my down time when the kids are asleep.
Currently Ollie is cutting his year old molars and Phoebe is crawling and trying to stand up. She is also chasing the cats...poor kitties !